Friday, September 3, 2010

We Are

We are not democrats, we are not republicans, we are not liberals nor conservatives. We are not communists nor capitalists. We are not socialists nor anarchists. We have no home but neither are we homeless. There is no silver bullet to solve problems. Need is not a word to be used as a synonym for want. Humanity does not come second nor does the earth. Happiness is not based on currency, and life is never owned. Religion is personal, not a framework for social policy. All humans are born with innate rights. Governments are not separated from the people, but they are obligated to the public. There will be no laws made inhibiting innate rights. This is Kiism, this is the movement of humanity's sustainability. There is no ethical theories to be looked to, there are no economic system that is supported. It is deeper than that, it goes to the essence of what is to be human. It can be used as a reset button to try to understand idea from a time before indoctrination of governments or religions. It is a a path that can be used to view the world from the simplest of values. This is not a movement with new idea, this is a new movement with basic ideas, we are a movement of humans.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Do Something

So here we are in 2010. Sci-Fi book used to be written on what the word would be like in 2010. There were supposed to be flying cars and bio engineered limbs for amputees, and where are we? Part of the world is still in 3rd world status were people are starving to death and dying of dysentery.  Meanwhile the civilized world is still looking at people who love someone of the same sex as if they were freaks of nature and unnatural and against god. People who are hardworking, intelligent, well-educated, honest people, who are now homeless because they were laid off form their job because they were working for corporation who's CEO's were only interested in earning short-term profit where they risked everybody else's life on a guarantee to make 8 digits.  And while we, as the consumer, are supposed to keep them in check are so subdued that we only yell and bitch and complain after the fact and really don't do anything. And then there are the shareholders who decide that they are separate from what the companies that they hold stock in do.  They don't realize that they are just as guilty as the CEO's and "Fat Cats." The truth is all they care about is there dividend check or that they can retire "comfortably." The truth is, is that YOU are selfish and greedy and you only care about society as long as you don't have to sacrifice anything to help anybody else. And then of course is the excuse that "i'm only one person, how can i make a difference." It has to start somewhere, YOU have to take responsibility for YOU.  You are pouring fuel on the fire. The corporations are not part of the solutions, the scraps they through at social issues fail in comparison in the amount of damage they do.  They are there for one reason: to make a profit. They live off the new definition of "NEED."  NEED is not a synonym for "want," NEED is something that is instrumental to life.  You don't NEED a new TV, or new shoes, or a new car, YOU WANT them. But it makes you feel better if you say "I need" because then there is less guilt when your buying them.  The American dream is to not to get everything you can in excess, it is not to out do you neighbor, it is not to do whatever you want, because you can.  You hide behind the phrase "IT'S MY RIGHT."  NO ITS NOT, rights have nothing to do with driving a gas guzzling SUV, or having a new pair of shoes every month, or satellite TV. Maybe if you were to turn off the TV and face the real issues in this country and in this world, and actually decided to put some effort into trying to fix things instead of running and hiding into the new television sitcom or drama there could be a difference made. Because while you where being sucked into the networks primetime line up, the companies whose sole purpose is to wring every cent they possible can out of you have been hard at work, and then telling you, YOU NEED their product or service during the commercial breaks.  Then when you get to work all you talk about is what celebrity married who, who one the match yesterday, or about the new car you saw. Why not talk about something that is important, how about exchanging ideas on politics, and how to fix the economy, or a new idea for product than can help people, or how the current elected official is actually a crook, and who you should vote for instead, and not on the basis of how he looks on TV or how kisses the baby during a press rally.  How about you spend time doing your homework and figuring out who would be the best possible person to do the job.  There is a serious problem in this country and this world, AND ALL OF YOU KNOW IT, so stop pretending like it dons't exist, because the crazy rightwing religious fanatics in this country are hard at work, and so is wall street, and so are the banks, and so are the corrupt politicians, and who is fighting for YOU, at the moment NO ONE. YOU NEED to start taking an active role in this world, stop doing whats easy and start doing something for yourself and for your neighbors and everyone else in the world, after all we're Americans, we claim to be the greatest, and the most powerful, so start acting like it. 

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Article 31

There is a resolution in the U.N. regarding one of Kiism core dignities, water.  At the moment there are 30 articles in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The 31st article would address the right to clean accessible water. It is sad that there has to a list of article that state what human right are, but then again that is the world we live in, for better or worse. Corporations in modern time have plagued humanity with the destruction of our right to water, a prime example of this is Bolivia, please read - . What happened in Bolivia is not an isolated case, it is happening all over the world, and is effecting, as it always does, the poorest regions of the earth. There can be no global sustainability with out the dignities of humanity being the rights of all humans, and Kiism cannot succeed with out sustainability. There is a petition at that you can sign to help pass Article 31.

Monday, November 2, 2009

"Empathetic Motivation"

There is hope for Kiism.  To a lot of people the idea sounds like a pipe dream, however, this weekend 80 students gathered together and proved that the spirit that is needed to make the changes that Kiism embodies is alive, well, and energetic.  I was honored this past weekend to participate in a Global Leadership Retreat. This retreat gathered together students studying in the U.S. from all over the world, and focused their desire to be the future leaders, into multi-cultural understanding, and how to create a more sustainable planet. One aspect that was brought up numerous times, in individual conversations and in workshops, was humanitarianism. During a lecture from a most prestigious doctor, I finally found a name to the goal of Kiism, “Empathetic Motivation.”  I hope that most of the students came into, and left with, this being what drives them. I have tremendous hope for the future of the world, if the leaders of tomorrow are the students I met this weekend. 

Monday, October 5, 2009


There are certain ideas and realities in our society that we take for granted.  I'm not talking about the obvious things, running water, food, electricity, waste management, I'm talking about ideas that are more deeply rooted in the way we live and think.  The first is money, actually it goes beyond money to monetary value.  Everything in this world revolves around money, because we have to give everything a value, why?  Why does everything need to have a value attached to it, how did we evolve this way?  I'm not condoning it, I'm just asking why it is.  Is there something inherit in us that needs to do this, and what would be the alternatives, and i don't mean just changing a few things, I mean what are other ways we could have evolved.  The second is sex and violence.  One of these things is natural and wonderful, the other is the darkest part of our humanity.  We accept violence, we watch it and revere it.  We see wars as needed, and we don't truly comprehend what war is, that it is the masses dying and tortured, so a few can have more land, or more power, or more money, or all of the above.  We are the ones dying in the wars, yet we don't comprehend the true violence of it.  Sex on the other hand is where our greatest passions can be expressed.  It is the most natural human action beyond the vital necessities, yet is vilified and people are made to feel guilty about it.  We treat prostitution as if it was one of the worst crimes possible, maybe not in our court systems, but what thoughts and emotions do you feel to the words prostitute, or hooker.  We follow an illogical reasoning throughout life, that we never truly think about, but accept.  Some of us see the world, and see it needs change, but few of us realize the depth of the change that is needed, to society, to create a more tolerant world.  Why as our true subconscious, instead of giving a value to everything , do we not feel the need to better the world and help our cohabitants.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

University has initiated new program.

The Idea of Kiism is catching on, weather people know it or not.  Arizona State University (ASU) has just launched the “New American University” program.  Some of their goal are “…design sustainable urban development…”, “…positive societal impact while also considering the social implications of research.”, “…scaling local solutions for global impact…” ( .  Now, ASU is not nessessarly tackling the issues of Kiism directly, but they are giving a better catalyst to their students to tackle these issues.  There are many universities and colleges around the world that are focused on a many or all of the issues that Kiism is focused on, but it is always good to see a another join the struggle.  There is a lot of work ahead of us, and we need all of the resources and help we can get.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Beyond the US's healthcare debate.

Before anything else is written, let it be stated for the record that Kiism does not endorse any political party, or idealism.  Kiism is in itself a people's movement of human rights, and human dignities.
President Obama made a speech to the joint session of Congress today.  He stated, regarding people who have been neglected by the health insurance companies, “No one in America should be treated like that”.   A good start, and as far as he can go, weather he believes in going any further or not, if he wants a future in politics.  One of the strengths of this movement is we need not bite our tongue for fear of losing anything.  This movement has just started and only power to gain, and nothing to lose.  Lets go further than President Obama, and to quote the president again “Yes we can”.  Let us say no one in the WORLD should be treated like that.  No one deserves the pain and suffering that can come with out medical resources or any of the basic necessities of life.  There is no part of the puzzle that can be left out.  Water without food, no.  Water and food without shelter, no.  Water, food and shelter without security, no.  Water, food, shelter and security without good health, NO.  These idea are a whole.  Alone each letter, K, I, I, S, M are just letters, but together they stand for an idea of the world that is one of empathy, and dignity.  So let us not be short sided and say, “No one in America should be treated like that” or “No one in Europe should be treated like that” or “No one in Asia should be treated like that” or “No one in all of the Americas should be treated like that”, let us see the world, not with political borders, but as a one nation. 
Near the end of the speech, he was quoted from an email he received, written by late Sen. Kennedy, and was to be delivered to him [Obama] upon his death. 
“’What we face” [regarding healthcare reform]… ‘is above all a moral issue… fundamental principles of… the character of our country.’”
Yes, but once again, too short sided, for the good of the world.  Sen. Kennedy’s passion, and humanitarianism in this issue should be a model we can look to for all our goals; it embodied the emotion of what Kiism is.  Let us take that and use it not just for Americans and not just for healthcare, but to help everyone who needs it.